Dads Cook Good Food

For dads who enjoy cooking for their families

Fish be with you…

Our Good Friday meal

Yesterday, my wife and I decided to skip the traditional fish and chips resto trip. Instead, I volunteered to prepare our full meal lunch for the day. With some leftover mung bean soup from the previous day, I thought that this would match the fish paksiw (fish stewed in vinegar, ginger, eggplant, and garlic) that we would be having as part of our only full meal for the day. Instead of the usual whole fish that is associated with paksiw, we had frozen fillet tilapia! I thought that it might be best to fry the fish first after marinating it in salt and pepper.

Although this entailed the task of having to fry the tilapia fillet and then cook them in vinegar, frying them made a difference because it was a good substitute for adding pork cracklings, which we were avoiding because it was Good Friday after all. I was reminded of our Good Friday meals in Pampanga where the only full meal we ate was lunch and it was indeed heavy!

The fish paksiw recipe that I follow was based on Kulinarya. Enjoy!

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